Retire To Guarantees, Not Hope Or Chance.

Plan Knowing Your Retirement Is A 100% Guarantee.

Retirement today

The face of retirement is changing and it’s important to ensure that you’re financially prepared for a long retirement. With Canadians living longer it means you might spend as much time in retirement as you did working. That’s why your retirement income strategy should ensure that you don’t outlive your retirement savings.

There are some people who don’t need to worry about outliving their retirement savings – those fortunate enough to have access to company-sponsored guaranteed pension plans, also known as Defined Benefit Pension Plans. But today, the majority of Canadians no longer belong to these types of plans and therefore, need a retirement solution that offers security and peace of mind for their future.

Introducing GUARANTEED INCOME FOR LIFE. This new, groundbreaking solution supplements other retirement income sources to provide you with a guaranteed income stream for life.

Features and Benefits

    • GUARANTEED INCOME FOR LIFE is an innovative income solution designed to provide you with:
    • A secure income stream that is guaranteed for life to help form the foundation of a retirement income plan
    • A higher level of retirement income the earlier you invest and/or the later you wait to start drawing income
    • Flexibility to choose when to begin taking income, as early as age 50
    • The option of uninterrupted income for life for your surviving spouse1
    • A conservative investment in a fixed-income portfolio with full access to your market value, should the need arise2

1Spouse or common-law partner (as defined by the Income Tax Act (Canada))

2Fees may apply

Exceeding the withdrawal thresholds of the GUARANTEED INCOME FOR LIFE insurance contract and/or withdrawals taken prior to the Election of the Income Benefit may have a negative impact on future income payments. Age restrictions and other conditions may apply.
