Group Benefits


We believe that people are the most important part of your organization. We’ll help you take care of your team so that your business can grow, healthily and thrive.

Our goal is to provide you with the best health wellness package possible. We offer flexible and easy to understand plans, and will work with you to effectively manage costs and find the coverage you need. We will explore your current benefit plan using our 10 Point Checklist.

10 Point Checklist

1. Salary Review – To ensure Life Insurance and LTD Limits are okay

2. Review Non-Evidence Maximum (NEM)

3. All Staff Enrolled

4. Review Refusal and Exclusion on file

5. Market Plan in the last 3-5 years

6. Benefit Review

7. Are Senior Management Constrained (LTD)?

8. Are Short Term Disability (STD) co-ordinated with Payors?

9. Are Long Term Disability (LTD) co-ordinated with Payors?

10. Are you satisfied with frequency and quality of reporting methods and review meetings with your current vendor?

Employees you invest in are employees that invest in you.

Talk to us today about your goals and we’ll help you get there.